Left curtain Right curtain
The Sound of Opera

Au secours ! Au secours ! (Catfight chorus)

Suddenly, the cigarette girls come running out of the factory, screaming in panic. Zuniga orders José to investigate what the commotion is all about. It turns out that Carmen was involved in a fight and cut the face of one of the other girls with a knife.

This track does not include the optional part "Holà, soldats" because it is not in the original vocal score authorized by Bizet and it's also missing in open source orchestral scores. It's one of the parts that was cut by Bizet himself but unearthed by Fritz Oeser in the 1960s. As it became popular through his edition, it is nowadays included as an optional part in modern scores such as that by Robert Didion.

For similar reasons I have omitted the part for basses "Tout doux, éloignez-vous et taisez-vous" from the karaoke video, although this part can of course be sung if desired because the orchestral music is the same.

  • Zuniga
  • Soprani 1
  • Soprani 2